
The Laziest Break of Fast

I'm not a morning person.  I've accepted that.  I'm starting to really revel in it, frankly.  I have fantasies about staying in bed until noon with breakfast brought up to me on a little yellow bamboo tray adorned with silver set.   I like contrast.  Anyway, sometimes my fantasy is simply a hard cooked egg and coffee, sometimes it's a full on feast.  Every night, I set my alarm clock for 6am.  Planning on doing Pilates, showering, taking my time making my breakfast and french roast.  Every morning, I drag myself out of bed at 7:50am just in time for GMA's "Play of the Day" and curse myself for not getting up 20 minutes earlier.  At least that way I could grab a breakfast sandwich on the way to work.  I haven't had a breakfast sandwich in months.  It's also probably not the best choice of breakfasts for me if I want to really put the good fuel into my bod in the morn.  As I trek towards the Dome at the Natural History museum, I regret, again, not rising sooner and just not making the dang oatmeal.

I know what y'all are thinking.  Girl doesn't have time to make oatmeal?  Just stick it in the microwave and go!  I don't own a microwave, I'd have to cook it old school on the stove and ain't nobody got time for that.  I can't believe I went there let alone hyperlinked it.  Le sigh.  I'd have to get up 20 minutes earlier!  Follow along with me now.

So when I came across an article about cooling summer breakfasts, I fell out.  I felt like someone was telling me, YES!  Go 'head girl go 'head get down.  Get your oatmeal on.  And trick it out if you want.  So I did.

It's a 1:1 ratio, so it's easy peasy.  Take about 1/2 cup of oatmeal and place in a covered container.  Pour 1/2 milk (I use almond milk) over the oats, cover and refrigerate over night.  That's it.  I swear.  And no weird o rama microwaves rearranging the bio makeup of the food.  So there.

Dress it up with some walnuts and honey and you're full and focused all morning.  This morning, I rolled out of bed at 8.  Win win.

The Deal:
Calories: 261; Fat: 8g; Protein: 7g; Carbohydrate: 41
It may seem high in fat, but it's a good fat.  From the walnuts.  Aids the brain.  Promise.

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